
Prospección sísmica. Riesgos e impactos

Scientific information shows that the sea asks for silence

Scientific information shows that the sea asks for silence 1000 974 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea
In order to contribute to a healthier ocean, the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea and Areas of Influence sent the Argentine authorities the technical document “Seismic Prospecting. Risks and impacts in the Argentine Sea”. read more

Rejection to the approval of the seismic exploration project in the Argentinian Sea

Rejection to the approval of the seismic exploration project in the Argentinian Sea 1289 1218 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

The Argentinian organizations of the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea and Areas of Influence express our categorical rejection of the approval of the project presented by the Equinor company to carry out…

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Rejection of mining activity zoning law in Chubut

Rejection of mining activity zoning law in Chubut 150 150 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

The Argentinian organizations of the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea and Areas of Influence express our rejection of Law XVII No. 149 on the zoning of mining activity in Chubut, passed by…

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Pingüino Magallanes (Spheniscus magellanicus), Foto: J. Deely

We condemn the destruction of nests and the damage caused to the Magellanic penguin colony of the Punta Tombo Reserve and request the reinforcement of their protection.

We condemn the destruction of nests and the damage caused to the Magellanic penguin colony of the Punta Tombo Reserve and request the reinforcement of their protection. 1024 731 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea
Dozens of Magellanic penguins were killed in the middle of their breeding season after a man drove a bulldozer over an 800-meter road in the Punta Tombo Important Bird Area (AICA) in Chubut, Argentina. read more

“Artifishal” will be released in Puerto Madryn to keep warning people about the risks of salmon farming

“Artifishal” will be released in Puerto Madryn to keep warning people about the risks of salmon farming 800 400 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea
The B-Corp Patagonia, the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea, the Whale Conservation Institute and the National University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco invite all people in Puerto Madryn to the premiere of the documentary “Artifishal”, where different researchers will talk about the serious and irreversible risks and impacts of the salmon farming industry on the environment, the community and the economy. read more

How to change our behavior to reduce ocean plastic pollution

How to change our behavior to reduce ocean plastic pollution 2006 1342 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea
Members of the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea presented 5 campaign projects to promote socially favorable behaviors regarding marine pollution, especially, to reduce plastic waste in the sea. It was the result of the Workshop “Social Marketing based on the Communities”, facilitated by Dr. Marcela Uhart, with support from One Health Institute, Wildlife Health Center, UC Davis and the Houston Zoo. read more

More than 600 people said #NoToSalmonFarming in the Beagle Channel

More than 600 people said #NoToSalmonFarming in the Beagle Channel 1040 780 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea
Nearly 600 people lit their voices for a #BeagleChannelFreeFromSalmonFarming. The premiere in Ushuaia of the documentary “Yaganes”, produced by National Geographic through its marine conservation initiative Pristine Seas, was the perfect excuse to remind the value of a unique ecosystem through spectacular images, as a prelude to its protection against the threat of salmon farming on both banks of the Beagle Channel. read more

Argentinian NGOs ask the House of Representatives to address the law that bans microplastics in cosmetics

Argentinian NGOs ask the House of Representatives to address the law that bans microplastics in cosmetics 1200 1200 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea
It is necessary to stop contaminating the oceans with plastic. In Argentina, twenty environmental organizations -including several members of the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea- demanded a bill that bans cosmetic products containing microplastics used by the industry because they affect the sea, the species within it and even human health. read more

Forum Declaration: The Beagle Channel free from Salmon Farming

Forum Declaration: The Beagle Channel free from Salmon Farming 1000 974 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea
In the context of current plans to expand the salmon industry in the Beagle Channel -an area located at the southern end of the Patagonian Sea-, the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea expressed its categorical rejection to the installation of salmon farms in these waters which are shared by Chile and Argentina. The main concern is related tothe catastrophic and irreversible damages that such an industry would cause in one of the most valuable areas of the Patagonian marine ecosystem. The Forum calls on both governments to provide all the necessary legal and administrative measures to avoid installing salmon farms in these marine waters and to act jointly for the conservation of this area. read more

Joint binational position against salmon farming in the Beagle Channel

Joint binational position against salmon farming in the Beagle Channel 1280 853 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea
The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea and Areas of Influence supports and shares the joint binational position of the Deliberating Council of Ushuaia and the Community Council of Puerto Williams, political authorities, communities of indigenous peoples and social organizations of both cities against salmon farming in the Beagle Channel. read more

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