Sea News

Training workshops on good fishing practices for marine conservation in Argentina

Training workshops on good fishing practices for marine conservation in Argentina 1200 675 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

In a joint effort to protect the Argentine sea, training workshops were held at the National Fishing School “Comandante Luis Piedra Buena” in Mar del Plata to address two major challenges facing ocean conservation: plastic…

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First review of the Valdés and Patagonia Azul Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO MAB program

First review of the Valdés and Patagonia Azul Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO MAB program 1200 675 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

Authorities and technicians involved in the management of the Valdés and Patagonia Azul Biosphere Reserves addressed the first evaluation within the framework of UNESCO’s MaB Program, ten years after its creation. On January 26, 2024,…

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Meeting strengthens the management of the Southern Patagonia Interjurisdictional Coastal Marine Park (PIMCPA)

Meeting strengthens the management of the Southern Patagonia Interjurisdictional Coastal Marine Park (PIMCPA) 1200 675 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

With the participation of authorities and technicians responsible for the management of the Southern Patagonia Interjurisdictional Coastal Marine Park (PIMCPA), two meetings were held, one on the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of management and…

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Strengthening the governance of Chubut’s Biosphere Reserves

Strengthening the governance of Chubut’s Biosphere Reserves 1600 900 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

Together with authorities and technicians involved in the management of the Biosphere Reserves, a workshop was held on governance and first steps towards the First Periodic Review of Península Valdés and Patagonia Azul within the…

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The conservation of the Patagonian Sea and its areas of influence brought together experts from four countries who deliberated in Cassino, Brazil

The conservation of the Patagonian Sea and its areas of influence brought together experts from four countries who deliberated in Cassino, Brazil 1400 791 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

More than 50 specialists from thirty organizations dedicated to the conservation of the seas of the Southern Cone met in Cassino, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, to analyze the current state of the Patagonian Sea…

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Advances in the integration of marine protected areas of the Patagonian Sea in Chile

Advances in the integration of marine protected areas of the Patagonian Sea in Chile 644 483 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

In order to articulate the participation of different organizations and generate the best conditions to strengthen the design and implementation of the network of Marine Protected Areas of the Patagonian Sea, the workshop “Network of…

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© Christian Åslund / Greenpeace

Seismic prospecting in the Northern Argentine Basin has been temporarily sus-pended, with conditions.

Seismic prospecting in the Northern Argentine Basin has been temporarily sus-pended, with conditions. 2500 1668 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea
In reference to the project called “ARGENTINA OFFSHORE SEISMIC ACQUISITION CAMPAIGN; NORTH ARGENTINA BASIN (CAN 108, CAN 100, AND CAN 114 AREAS),” the Argentine organiza-tions of the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea and Areas of Influence consider that the decision adopted on June 3 by the Federal Court of Appeals of Mar del Plata, brings important elements, although it is not enough. read more

A collaborative project was announced for the protection of the Patagonian marine biodiversity, with the support of the European Union

A collaborative project was announced for the protection of the Patagonian marine biodiversity, with the support of the European Union 1024 768 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea
The announcement was made during a visit by the European Union to the Province of Chubut in the company of provincial and municipal authorities, together with representatives of the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea. read more
Prospección sísmica. Riesgos e impactos

Scientific information shows that the sea asks for silence

Scientific information shows that the sea asks for silence 1000 974 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea
In order to contribute to a healthier ocean, the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea and Areas of Influence sent the Argentine authorities the technical document “Seismic Prospecting. Risks and impacts in the Argentine Sea”. read more

Rejection to the approval of the seismic exploration project in the Argentinian Sea

Rejection to the approval of the seismic exploration project in the Argentinian Sea 1289 1218 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

The Argentinian organizations of the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea and Areas of Influence express our categorical rejection of the approval of the project presented by the Equinor company to carry out…

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