
© Leo Berninsone – AquaMarina

The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea and Areas of Influence is an international network of more than 20 civil society organizations working on marine conservation in the southern cone (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and surrounding international waters).
Since their foundation in 2004, the Forum worked with a regional perspective, building consensus, relying on scientific information, integrating disciplines and promoting a plurality of views and opinions.


• Understand marine ecosystems.
• Determine their conservation status.
• Support the creation and integrated management of marine protected areas.
• Encourage the implementation of effective controls and precautionary policies, as well as transparent and responsible management.
• Foster educational initiatives and dissemination of information as to the importance and value of oceans.

Some lines of work:

• Strengthening of Marine Protected Areas
• State of the seismic situation in the sea
• Impacts and solutions of marine plastic litter from fishing

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© Christian Åslund / Greenpeace
Seismic prospecting in the Northern Argentine Basin has been temporarily sus-pended, with conditions. 2500 1668 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

Seismic prospecting in the Northern Argentine Basin has been temporarily sus-pended, with conditions.

In reference to the project called “ARGENTINA OFFSHORE SEISMIC ACQUISITION CAMPAIGN; NORTH ARGENTINA BASIN (CAN 108, CAN 100, AND CAN 114 AREAS),” the Argentine organiza-tions of the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea and Areas of Influence consider that the decision adopted on June 3 by the Federal Court of Appeals of Mar del Plata, brings important elements, although it is not enough.

Articles & interviews

The high cost of searching for oil in the sea: the damage to marine fauna and its “supermarkets”

Montevideo Portal, Uruguay
The high cost of searching for oil in the sea: the damage to marine fauna and its “supermarkets” 933 621 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

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