Evaluation of the state of conservation of species in the Patagonian Sea. Generate a basic data on the status of conservation of the Patagonian Sea marine biodiversity.
© Proyecto Sub
Create a regional index of the status of marine biodiversity conservation, that results from including changes in the Red List of Endangered Species categories of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for the same species over time (5, 10, 20 years).
Indexes of the state of conservation:
Indicators to evaluate management and conservation actions to safeguard natural resources in the region.
Our Strategy
With the advice and participation of scientists from the region and experts from organizations belonging to the Forum, regional workshops are held to evaluate the conservation status of species in the Patagonian Sea.

© J. Bishop

© Julie Larsen Maher – WCS
What is the value of proposing a regional approach?
Although in some cases the countries involved (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil) have information on the status of the species of their coasts and Exclusive Economic Zones, a regional evaluation makes it possible to advance in joint cooperative actions and efforts. In the future, this information will be essential to evaluate efficiency in the management of biodiversity in the Patagonian Sea.
Disclosure of Results
The report of the 1st Evaluation Workshop and all the information on the progress of the evaluated groups of species will be updated in the PUBLICATIONS section of this website and will be available for use and reference.
Work team
Leadership: Claudio Campagna (WCS)
Coordination and technical support: Valeria Falabella (WCS), Beth Polidoro (Arizona State University and IUCN) and Victoria Zavattieri (WCS) IUCN facilitators and trainers: Beth Polidoro and Gina Ralph (IUCN)
Organization of colloquiums and workshops: Valeria Falabella (First Workshop), Juan Martín Cuevas (Second Workshop). IUCN Regional Red List First Workshop for Species of the Patagonian Sea: Marine Mammals, seabirds and marine turtles: expert advice of Enrique Crespo (CENPAT-CONICET), Leandro Tamini (Aves Argentinas) and Alejandro Fallabrino (Karumbé) to prepare the lists and assign priorities to species.
The project was supported by: