Protect an ecologically healthy and diverse Patagonian Sea in order to meet the needs, wishes and aspirations of people, and at the same time, protect one of the most productive marine ecosystems with unique wildlife sightings in the world, through a genuine partnership of all interested sectors.
© T. Kelley
© E. Zavattieri

an integral understanding of the Patagonian marine ecosystem and analyze its conservation status;
the effective implementation of sustainable development policies, that adopt preventive management principles, as well as participative, transparent and responsible governance practices;
existing projects for the creation of Marine Protected Areas in the target and adjacent areas;
education and communication initiatives centered on the importance and value of the seas as a reservoir of natural resources, provider of ecological services, and object of contemplation and aesthetic value.
Amongst its principles, the Forum sustains the construction of consensus with different sectors, the value of scientific information, trans-discipline, as well as plural nationalities, styles and opinions.
The Forum will include non-profit, non-governmental organizations, and international conservation organizations of a mixed nature (public-private) with vast experience in biodiversity and marine resource conservation, dedicated to conservation and sustainable use of the Patagonian Sea and areas of influence.
Through mutual cooperation, Forum member organizations seek to achieve conservation results that are more significant and effective that what may be achieved by members individually.
Forum member organizations may be based in any country or territory, and no organization may be excluded from the Forum due to nationality, race, religion, language or gender of its affiliate members.
Good Faith:
member organizations join the Forum with the purpose of working together in a framework of trust and mutual cooperation.
Forum members shall treat as confidential all information shared within the Forum that is defined as restricted.
membership to the Forum by no means restricts each member organization’s autonomy, nor represents any obstacle for the development of cooperation agreements between members.
Disclaimer of Responsibility / National Sovereignties:
Member involvement in the Forum will take place in a framework of respect of the interests of all countries in the region, their governments and their peoples. With reference to the geographical target area, membership of this Forum does not imply any opinion or position with respect to sovereignty issues, nor does it jeopardizes the position of any state or international organization regarding the frontiers and legal status of marine areas or territories. Forum members’ opinions on these issues shall not be subject to debate within the Forum, nor shall these opinions be used to limit or favor members’ rights within the Forum.