
Our wish for 2020 1654 1521 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

Our wish for 2020

Our wish for 2020 is that through our work in marine conservation we can be the best reflection of ourselves.

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Towards an assessment of the conservation status of bony fish in the Patagonian Sea 2080 2080 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

Towards an assessment of the conservation status of bony fish in the Patagonian Sea

What is the risk of extinction of the Patagonian Sea fish? Although many species are key to the structure and functioning of the ecosystem, there are no indicators on the conservation status of most of them. Therefore, a team of experts was part of the Regional Workshop on the Evaluation of the State of Conservation of Bone Fish of the Patagonian Sea, convened by the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea, with the collaboration of IUCN-South and the support of WCS Argentina and Oceans 5.

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Science and Management, tensions and opportunities for the management of Marine Protected Areas 1280 720 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

Science and Management, tensions and opportunities for the management of Marine Protected Areas

What reasons underlie the tension between the scientific world and the management world, in relation to the management of Marine Protected Areas? How could the cooperation between the MPAs management authorities and the scientific sector be strengthened in order to increase the knowledge transfer applicable to management? These and other questions lead the round table promoted by the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea during the XVIII Latin American Congress of Marine Sciences. In front of more than one hundred people, Forum members together with members of the National Parks Administration of Argentina and of the Mar de Juan Fernández and Islas Desventuradas National Park in Chile presented their experiences along with the challenges and results of their joint work.
With the participation of more than one hundred people, representatives of the National Park Administration of Argentina and the Mar de Juan Fernández National Park and Desventuradas Islands of Chile, together with the Forum, presented their experiences and demonstrated the challenges and results of the joint work.

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A new languaje for the sea 1755 1241 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

A new languaje for the sea

Given the urgent need to contribute to the positioning of the sea in the public agenda, the meeting will propose to discuss the way we think and talk about the sea. This is the first Conversatory with journalists and communicators organized within the framework of the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea, the network of civil society organizations that work to preserve the marine ecosystem of the Southern Cone.

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Argentina, Chile and Uruguay renew their commitment to the joint development of capacities for the effective management of Marine Protected Areas 960 960 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

Argentina, Chile and Uruguay renew their commitment to the joint development of capacities for the effective management of Marine Protected Areas

Government members from the three countries and the civil society signed a letter of intent to continue working integrally in strengthening the capacities of those responsible for the management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).
The declaration aims at the continuity of the networking and the regional approach proposed within the framework of the School for the Management of MPAs in the Southern Cone, and proposes the same approach in all Latin America.
This commitment was reflected at the end of an event organized by the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea, Argentina Wildlife Foundation, WCS Chile, WWF Chile, the National Parks Administration of Argentina, the Ministry of Environment of Chile and the Ministry of Housing, Land Planning and Environment of Uruguay, within the framework of the III Congress of Protected Areas of Latin America and the Caribbean (IIICAPLAC) held from October 14 to 17 in Lima, Peru.

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Regional approach and networking in the III Congress of Protected Areas of Latin America and the Caribbean 1280 662 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

Regional approach and networking in the III Congress of Protected Areas of Latin America and the Caribbean

The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea participated in the III Congress of Protected Areas of Latin America and the Caribbean. The congress was held from October 14 through 17 in Lima, Peru.

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«To conserve we need to learn how to see» 680 680 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

«To conserve we need to learn how to see»

The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea supported the 4th edition of the Patagonia Eco Film Fest, the International Environmental Film Festival of Patagonia. The festival was held from October 2 through 5, in Puerto Madryn, Chubut (Argentina), with the free screening of more than 50 films.

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A workshop was held on the Monitoring of National Marine Protected Areas 900 498 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

A workshop was held on the Monitoring of National Marine Protected Areas

The integration of the different institutions with responsibility for the sea is key to continue moving towards its effective conservation. With the collaboration of 18 marine scientists and professionals from government institutions and the civil society, a meeting was held that contributed to promoting aspects of the implementation and governance of Argentine Marine Protected Areas (MPA) linked to the monitoring of biophysical indicators.

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Public Consultation on the adaptation of the Marine Protected Area Namuncurá – Burdwood Bank 600 450 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

Public Consultation on the adaptation of the Marine Protected Area Namuncurá – Burdwood Bank

Following the open public consultation regarding the adaptation of the Marine Protected Area Namuncurá-Burdwood Bank, the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea and Areas of Influence prepared a series of contributions and comments.

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“Artifishal” will be released in Puerto Madryn to keep warning people about the risks of salmon farming 800 400 The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea

“Artifishal” will be released in Puerto Madryn to keep warning people about the risks of salmon farming

The B-Corp Patagonia, the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea, the Whale Conservation Institute and the National University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco invite all people in Puerto Madryn to the premiere of the documentary “Artifishal”, where different researchers will talk about the serious and irreversible risks and impacts of the salmon farming industry on the environment, the community and the economy.

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