In Chile, Salmon farming activity has increased its production by 3.454% between 1990 and 2021, occupying the fjords of Chilean Patagonia sequentially, starting in the North, in the Los Lagos Region, and then advancing to the Aysén Region and, finally, to the Magallanes Region.
The farming centers have been located in areas of high ecological value and great ecosystemic fragility.
We invite you to learn more about the subject in the document “Protected Areas and Salmon Farming”, which the Forum will present at IMPAC5, Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress, to be held in Vancouver, Canada, 3-9 February, 2023.
In the document, after describing the impacts and threats derived from the salmon industry to the ecosystems and biodiversity of Patagonia, the Forum urges “the government of Chile and the regional governments of the southern areas, to establish a road map with short, medium and long term commitments to limit the growth of the salmon industry, to concretize its exit from protected areas, to improve environmental regulations, and to promote more sustainable productive alternatives, with low environmental impacts and better employment conditions”.
For more information at IMPAC5: Side event of the Forum, “Trans-boundary Effective Network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs in Austral South America”, February 4 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at the Convention Center.
Contact: prensa.marpatagonico@gmail.com