We are nature, we are sea… And as well as the oceans transcend political limits, to promote their conservation we should think big and promote cooperation. From the Forum we thank all those who have contributed to transforming 2018 in a significant year for the conservation of the Patagonian Sea.

To transcend the boundaries of time and space. That’s what the sea teaches us.
That’s what we wish for in this new beginning.
The following series of actions and results for the conservation of the Patagonian Sea would not have been possible without the joint work of governments, NGOs, academic institutions, communities, media, journalists, students and all those people interested in knowing and spreading the value of our sea.
We influenced public policies aiming at the creation of Marine Protected Areas in Chile and Argentina.
- In March, the former Chilean president, Michelle Bachelet, signed the decrees for 5 new Marine Protected Areas created thanks to the cooperation among governments, local communities, scientists and civil society organizations, including members of the Forum, which took the marine protected area to 42%.
- In December, the two Marine Protected Areas identified, postulated and promoted by the Forum, were approved by the Argentine Congress, tripling the coverage of Argentina’s marine protected areas.
- In May, the presidents of Argentina and Chile, Macri and Piñera, announced the regional coordination of the two adjacent Marine Protected Areas -Drake and Yaganes-, in the southern seas.
New MPA in Chile and Argentina.
We promoted cross-sectoral guidelines for the management of effective and representative Marine Protected Areas.
- Chilean NGOs met in the framework of the Workshop “Developing guidelines for the creation and management of Marine Protected Areas in Chile” organized by the Forum in September.
- Members of public organisms and research centers were called by the Forum in September to participate in the “Technical Workshop on the Implementation of National Marine Protected Areas in the Argentine Sea”.
Workshops to develop guidelines for the creation and management of MPAs in Chile and Argentina.
We strengthened the management abilities of people in charge of Marine Protected Areas in the Southern Cone.
- Participants from Argentina, Chile and Uruguay in charge of planning and managing Marine Protected Areas took part in the second year of the “School for the Management of Marine Protected Areas of the Southern Cone”, carried out between July and November 2018.
- We prepared and distributed a document of lessons learned and recommendations for the long term in order to increase the role of government agencies, to continue with the School and increase its significance.
Face-to-face week of the 2nd year of the School of MPA in Camarones, Chubut, Argentina.
We co-led the expedition to the southern Argentine sea, driven by NatGeo and supported by the National Government.
- In February, Claudio Campagna, President of the Forum, was one of the two Argentinian scientists on board the vessel used to achieve the unprecedented marine expedition to the Argentine southern Patagonia, led by NatGeo Pristine Seas, with the support of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, the National Parks Administration, Tierra del Fuego province and the Forum.
- In November, they launched the NatGeo documentary “Yaganes”, inspired by the above mentioned expedition. The event involved more than 500 people, generated a broad coverage in the media and social networks, and was key to the advocacy strategy for the creation of Argentine MPAs.
Expedition to the Argentine austral seas and Nat Geo’s communication products
We made progress in the institutional strengthening of the Forum as a regional network for the conservation of the Patagonian Sea.
- We held the XVI Plenary Meeting of the Forum, where new organizations joined up and the Board of Directors was renewed.
- We coordinated a planning meeting with Chilean NGOs to strengthen the work in their country and the regional approach.
- We remembered Pablo Bordino, President of AquaMarina and member of the Board of Directors of the Forum, who died in June 2018.
Actions to strengthen networking and the regional approach
We warned about the risks and impacts of salmon farming in order to prevent the installation of the activity in the Argentine Sea.
- We prepared and distributed a Forum position paper to state the position of the NGOs on the local agenda regarding the possible installation of salmon farming in the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.
- We participated in the round table on aquaculture projects in the Beagle Channel during the “National Science and Technology Week” held in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego , Argentina.
- We took part in a Workshop at the Masticar Food Festival held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where the Forum presented the myths and truths of salmon production in Chile.
Actions aiming at raising awareness of the risks of salmon farming
We made progress on the «Clean Patagonian Sea» strategy to address plastic pollution produced by the fishing industry.
- We stated the value of the Patagonian Sea and highlighted the relevance of Marine Protected Areas as conservation instruments.
- We took part in the information meeting for the Argentine Chamber of Deputies, where members of the Forum presented the contributions of the creation of MPA Yaganes and Namuncurá / Burdwood Bank II.
- We coordinated a Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Protected Areas held within the framework of the XVI Plenary Meeting of the Forum, with the participation of Chilean and Argentine speakers, to promote the encounter and exchange of ideas between the academic, business and government sectors, and the civil society.
- We organized the Workshop on MPA, “Why and why not?”, proposed by members of the member organizations of the Forum, within the framework of the X National Conference of Marine Sciences, Argentina.
We also created and strengthened new social networks, relaunched our website, developed new publications and communication products, generated communication campaigns, and a lot more…
Workshops, Seminars and Meetings
New publications