The Patagonian Sea lighthouses are a series of coastal marine and ocean areas that fulfill outstanding ecological and oceanic conditions.
© J. Plana
The maintenance of the ecological integrity of these sites is a priority for the Forum organizations for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea and Areas of Influence.
These are habitats with high priority for the conservation of biodiversity, particularly of endemic or threatened species, and are relevant due to the structural and ecological functioning of the ecosystem that is the target of the Forum. In addition, their conservation has an economic, esthetic, cultural and spiritual importance.
© D. Fidalgo
Criteria for identification
Rarity, singularity
Areas that contain unique, rare or endemic species, populations, communities, habitats, geomorphological or oceanographic features.
Special importance
Important areas for breeding and survival of dependent species.
Threatened species or habitats
Remarkably important areas for the survival or recovery of species threatened with extinction. Areas with outstanding assemblages of threatened or endangered species.
Vulnerability, fragility, sensitivity, slow recovery
Areas that contain a high proportion of functionally fragile habitats or species (sensitive to harvesting or degradation due to human activities or natural events) or with a slow rate of recovery.
Biological Productivity
Essential areas for ecosystem food webs.
Biological diversity
Areas with a great diversity of habitats, communities or species, or a great genetic diversity.
Conservation status
Relatively pristine areas that have been exposed to low or zero levels of disturbance or degradation due to human activities.
Social and cultural importance
Important areas for the social and cultural development of nearby communities, countries or regions (outstanding cultural heritage, education or research sites, specific human communities that depend on the area, etc.)
Social-economic importance
Important areas for the social and economic development of local or regional communities (resource development, tourism, communications and transport, etc.).
Aesthetic importance
Areas with natural wonders which local communities and the world consider of inspirational value.